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BackWe want PE to be inclusive for every child. We want to support and develop physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills’ which underpin not just activity and sport but are transferable life skills that support whole school development.
We aim to deliver a PE curriculum that develops the whole child. We want to promote a love of physical activity and sport through physical education. We want our children to be knowledgeable and aware of their own health and fitness, the importance of keeping active and the benefits of physical activity. We want our PE curriculum to be personalised so that it challenges each and every child while nourishing their creativity, social skills, personal development and physical ability. We want our PE lessons to be progressive so that children build on the core skills for physical activity and are able to track their own progress, therefore developing a love for PE, physical activity and sport.
Every child will receive two high quality lessons of PE per week. Teachers will be following the Real PE scheme and using the Jasmine Learning Platform to deliver lessons. During these sessions children will practise and develop the fundamental movements of balance, coordination, agility and ball skills. These skills will then be transferred to a sport and game situation during their PE lesson with an external provider. The sport and game situations will be planned using the objectives from the Real PE scheme so that both the skills and practice complement one another. Children will be exposed to a variety of sports in their PE lessons, sporting festivals and after school clubs. They will be given the opportunity to experience new sports whilst developing their ability to progress in known sports. We will work alongside Sunderland School Games to increase the number of children playing sport at a competitive level and encourage children to participate in sport outside of school.
The impact is that over time children will be more physically active and secure at the core, fundamental movements. They will have more awareness and understanding of their physical and mental health and recognise the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle. Physical activity will be enjoyable, therefore more children will be playing sports. They will be able to track their own progress and set their own challenges, making more independent and resilient learners. Children will be more confident, have improved communication skills and be all round healthier and happier children.
PE Position Statement
In our delivery of Physical Education at Academy 360, we ensure that every child is physically active. We support and develop physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills’ which underpin not just activity and sport but are transferable life skills that support whole school development.
At Academy 360, children receive direct PE lessons twice weekly, accountable for 2 hours per week. Within this, children follow a blended approach where they develop the fundamental skills for physical activity. Alongside this, children are exposed to a range of sports in the overall PE curriculum; learning the rules of play and given the opportunity to showcase their skills in a game situation. In addition to this, children engage in active play times, the daily mile, sports week and a range of sporting after school clubs.
Academy 360 have achieved the Sunderland School Games Gold Award 2023.
Recent Curriculum Modifications
Our curriculum priorities are to ensure that across all key stages, children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum that covers all of the objectives which have been set out in the National Curriculum. We have recently revamped the PE curriculum to expose children at Academy 360 to a wider range of sports, such as cricket, archery and curling as well as developing the well-established sports like football and athletics.
Observations showed that a lack of exposure to different sports and lack of gross motor skills hindered the progress that children make in specific sports. In order to tackle this, we implemented a blended approach which is focused on the core skills of movement and fundamental movements. Previous observations at competitive festivals highlighted that children lacked the confidence and knowledge to participate and compete. Therefore, we revamped the PE curriculum to ensure that children are given sufficient time to learn the rules of play, develop skills for specific sports and have the opportunity to compete in line with Sunderland School Games Festival.
We issued a sequenced plan scheme where staff are aware of the lesson sequence and where they need to go next. Staff are given a core skill to focus on using our blended approach, lesson sequence and given guidance on applying this to a game situation.
We have implemented the Daily Mile, as a means of increasing the physical activity of our children with the aim of combatting obesity.
We have also recently embarked on our Opal play journey which encourages active play times. Both teachers and staff are actively encouraged to play games and use the playground equipment during play times. We have listened to pupil voice and purchased playtime equipment as requested by the children. We have increased the amount of gym pieces on the yard, expanded our climbing equipment and replenished our PE stock.
Staff have recently had training with cross curricular Orienteering to enable children to access PE across the school grounds.
We are currently working towards achieving the Sunderland School Games Award Platinum. In order to achieve this, we need to increase our community links within sport. The PE lead will establish links with local clubs, increase their presence in school and encourage more children to attend clubs out of school.
There will be strict monitoring of the delivery of the PE curriculum, ensuring children are given the opportunity to develop their skills and experience in game situations.
We will increase the number of children participating in external festivals and increase the number of children engaging in sport outside of PE lessons.
Staff have expressed an interest in gymnastics CPD. They will also be given the opportunity to observe one another for good practise.
PE Non Negotiable
The PE overview must be followed and evidence gathered form each unit in the most appropriate form. This can be in the form of photographs, social media posts, child-voice or teacher notes on individuals progress and teacher assessment.
The skills taught must reflect the PE overview and given timetable and not deviate from this. Unless PE lessons are added as part of enrichment.
Please see the links below to view the content plan and curriculum overviews.
Lessons must be inclusive and take into consideration the skills and abilities of all children. It must allow children to practise the skill set and build upon this throughout each lesson.
All lessons must have a clear warm up, skill set, game situation and cool down. These should be linked with the skill set required for the given traditional sport.
Each unit must include an intra competitive game situation at the end of the unit where children are given the opportunity to show their progress and skillset for the given sport. This needs to be evidenced and recorded through photographs and pupil voice for subject lead to refer to.
Technical vocabulary related to the sport must be used throughout the lesson.
Peer feedback and teacher feedback to be used in lessons and children given the opportunity to record/reflect on their own performance.
Marking and Assessment
Children are encouraged to assess their own performance at the end of each lesson and peer assessment used to give feedback.
Each lesson should allow time for feedback either on their own personal performance or of a peer. Constantly encouraging children to reflect on how they can improve and what they did well.
The end of each unit to be assessed by a game situation, classed as intra competition. This allows children to show an understanding of the rules of the given sport and showcase the skills they have developed.
Learning Walks
Learning walks will be looking for: a clear warm up, practise of skill, game situation and cool down.
Children will be able to say the skills they are working on and how they relate to the traditional sport.
Children will be able to say what their next step is in developing in that skill or sport, using the Real PE scheme.
Vocabulary relating to the sport to be used in the lesson and children should be able to use these when talking to each other and giving feedback.
Trips and Visits – PE timetable and coverage relates to the festivals in the Sunderland Schools Games Calendar and should be attended by year groups as directed.
Speaking and listening links- Lessons to include opportunities for discussion. Children should be given the opportunity to talk about their own performance and others and give feedback in small groups, partner work and in whole class discussion.
Maths and ICT links- Where appropriate maths links can be made and adapted for example, measuring length of jump, keeping tally of scores etc. ICT links through the use of iPad, Chrome books and tablets to record performance and reflect and access the Real PE videos and skills.
Real life links- Physical Activity should be encouraged throughout the school day. Children should be encouraged to practise and use the skills they have developed in PE lesson during active play times. During playtimes teachers should facilitate the sports that have been introduced. Sport should be discussed when events are on for example Olympics, Euros etc and community links should be promoted.
Specific PE Teaching
Each lesson should have a warm up, skill practise, game situation and cool down. These should be clear and children should know which part of the lesson is being taught.
Remind children of the skill they practised previous lesson and ensure they are aware of the next step so that they can track their own progression.
Use Real PE Scheme for warm up and skill introduction/development and cool down. This will support your game situation. Log ins are available.
Encourage children to access Jasmine Home Learning at home, reward using MM.
Rewards to be given for correct PE kit and vocabulary used in lessons using MM.
Rewards given for supportive coaching in lessons, following the cogs of Jasmine.
Competitive Sport – Each unit should include a competitive element when the children are competent with the sport and skillset. This should be within your year group and allow children to demonstrate their progression. Evidence collected for Platinum Award.
Each year group to engage in orienteering once every two weeks.
Please see the link below for an overview on the Secondary curriculum for PE.