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Information for Parents
Talking about careers in today’s society can be daunting, especially with how quickly things are changing and the ever-increasing options which are out there for your child. As a school, we are here to provide support and guide you through the maze of post-16 and post-18 options, so you can strike up the best career conversations with your children using our expert advice and resources.
As a parent you are one of the most influential people in your child’s life and in the best possible position to support your child as they consider their future, review their options and make choices. At Academy 360 we are here to provide information, advice and guidance and a whole range of career options. That said, research shows that children look to their parents/carers first when they want career advice. Whilst some young people have a very clear idea of where they see their pathway leading them, others may take a while to decide.
You can help by:
- Starting the conversation
- Focus on skills and behaviour your child will need, rather than specific jobs.
- Talk about goals and what your child finds fulfilling.
- Be open minded and encouraging.
- Talk about what careers experiences your child has had at school (lessons, visits, tutor time, workshops and assemblies).
- Be patient as your child’s choices may change.
- Remember it’s your child’s decision on what direction they want to go.
Post 16 Options
Leaving school will present your child with a collection of emotions: elation, fear, relief, apprehension to name a few. The act of change is not easy for anyone and making decisions about their further education can be daunting. The best way to approach this task is with knowledge and information of the choices available and support to guide them to deciding the best pathway for them. The information available below is a good start for you to build up this awareness of the various routes they can take when they leave Year 11.
What are your child’s options when they leave school?
Your options can be broken down into two main routes:
- Technical learning
- Academic learning
Post-16 technical qualifications (otherwise known as vocational) include T-levels, BTECs, Cambridge Nationals, NVQs and many more. They are mainly taught in Colleges of Further Education, but are also available in some sixth forms and training providers.
Academic learning is more like the learning you have been doing for all these years at school. This is known as academic learning. Post-16 academic qualifications are known as A-Levels and they are taught mainly in Sixth Forms. This kind of learning is not job or industry specific, but the study of certain A-levels can open up doors to specific higher level study at University or in the workplace.
What is an Apprenticeship?
An apprenticeship is simply a real job with approved training. As it is a real job, you get paid. Employers advertise apprenticeships so they can select the right person for the job. Therefore they are competitive. Read about Getting an Apprenticeship here: https://www.careerwave.co.uk/insights/choosing-an-apprenticeship/
How does your child apply for a course or courses at a College of Further Education or a Sixth Form?
The quickest and easiest way to do this is go on the relevant College/Sixth Form website and complete the online application form. If there is not an online option, you will be able to download the application form and return it by post or email. All Colleges and Sixth Forms have Open Events, sometimes monthly throughout the year. Open Events are an opportunity to find out more and apply if you like what you see.
Who can help your child if they still need some support with all of this?
All schools now have a member of staff with the role of the Careers Leader. In our school this is Miss Quinn. She will be able to refer your child to the specialist Career Adviser (Alex Potter) for independent and impartial career guidance if needed.
Post 18 Options
When it comes to choosing options at 18 there are plenty of options:
- Doing a higher education level course – either full-time, part-time or by distance learning, at a university or a college;
- Doing an Intermediate, Advanced, Higher or Degree Apprenticeship;
- Getting a job that offers training;
- Doing a vocational course at a Further Education College
- Taking a year out (a gap year)
1-1 Careers Appointments
During Year 11 every student is offered a careers guidance interview to discuss their interests, ambitions and the options open to them with a qualified careers adviser. This statutory careers information, advice and guidance service is delivered by Alex Potter, an independent advisor from CareerWave. Her role is to provide independent and impartial information, advice and guidance to young people regarding their career aspirations. This enables students to explore their post 16 options and future career pathways with local colleges, apprenticeship and other learning providers. Following this meeting they will be emailed a detailed action with relevant information and next steps
Alex is at Academy 360 every Thursday to provide careers advice and guidance to all other year groups and attend parents’ evenings. Students in any year group are able to request a careers guidance interview at any time. Interview requests can be made through Heads of Year, Form Tutors or Miss Quinn (Careers Leader),
Useful websites: