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A360 25 min

Secondary Transition

We are delighted to welcome you and your child to Academy 360 and to help you get ready for secondary school.

Academy 360 offers a welcoming and safe environment for all students where they are given exceptional opportunities to learn and grow as individuals. We know that it can be an exciting time for children as they move from the primary phase of their education to secondary as well as being an anxious time for some.

To support your child during this key transition point, we introduce them to secondary school life in a measured and supportive way.  Before joining year 7, your child will be able to take a tour of the school, meet their teachers and ask any questions they may have.

If you have any concerns or questions about your transition, please let us know by contacting



Parent Information

Our Values

We provide a learning experience for all students that is first class and enables individuals to succeed, realising their potential. We aim to ensure that all student behave with dignity, courtesy and respect and take pride in their school.

School Day

The school day begins with registration between 8.35am and 8.50am. There is a mid-morning break from lessons for ten minutes and lunch is staggered for year groups between 12pm and 1.30pm. Lessons end at 2.30pm. However, we offer an exciting enrichment programme that you will love to take part in. You can find our enrichment brochure on our website.

School Uniform

School uniform must be worn smartly at all times. Plain black shoes are the only shoes permitted. Jewellery, apart from a watch or ear studs, must not be worn in school and make-up and haircuts must not be excessive or extreme. We do not allow false nails.


Lunch at Academy 360 is a social occasion. Our food is delicious, healthy and nutritious. Children have a choice of meals including vegetarian options.  Food brought into school should only be eaten in the designated dining area at break or lunchtime

Attendance & Punctuality

It is vitally important for your child’s progress that they attend school every day. Poor attendance impacts their education and limits their opportunities in life. School starts at 8.35am

If your child cannot attend school, please make sure you contact our attendance office before 8:30am. Children should bring a note with them when they return to school, explaining their absence. Where possible, this should be supported by medical documentation if appropriate.

Student Behaviour

Good relationships between teachers and students are at the heart of Academy 360.

We have high expectations of good behaviour. We place a strong emphasis on students respecting each other and staff. Students are expected to behave in a reasonable, considerate and courteous manner at all times.

Staying Safe Online

Student safety online is very important to us. We have clear policies about what is acceptable use of our IT system and what is not.

We adhere to data protection legislation and will specifically ask you to sign a consent form allowing your child’s photograph and details to be used online or in the media. No data or images will be used without your consent.

Partners in Learning

Experience tells us that our students achieve best when parents, carers, teachers and students work together. Student planners allow parents and carers to regularly work with children to monitor progression and contribute to their learning and understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions

How the school works...

What time does School start/ finish? 

School starts at 8:35 and finishes at 2:30 however we have daily intervention sessions from 2:30-3:30 which you may be invited to attend. We also have a range of enrichment opportunities from 2:30-3:30.  

What times are break-times and lunch time? 

Break Time – 10:50-11:00

Lunchtime is staggered for different year groups from 12:00-1:30  - Year 7 lunch is 12:30-1:00 

What sort of food is sold? How much do things cost? 

There are a range of foods on offer at lunchtimes. You can choose from the sandwich bar, hot sandwiches such as paninis and wraps, the salad bar, jacket potatoes with a range of fillings. We also over 3 hot options daily, one being vegetarian.  

A hot meal, drink and dessert starts at £1.80 

Where do students go at lunch time? 

At lunchtime, all students go to the dining hall and have their lunch. They also have time outside on the yard but can choose to stay inside or access the library.  

What snacks can you buy? 

At break time, year 7 can access the key stage 3 hall where they can buy fruit, crisps, cereal bars and water and flavoured water.  

How much homework do you get? What happens if it isn’t done?

Homework will be given per subject by your subject teachers. Department detentions are given by the subject teacher for not completing homework.  

Where can I do my homework in my free time? 

You can access the library after the school day to complete your homework, it is open until 4pm every day.  

What happens if I get into trouble?  What are the punishments? 

The Academy runs a consequence system. A warning will be given in the first instance and then C1, C2, C3, C4, C5. This system will be fully explained by your tutor on your first day.  


Getting to school...

Where is the School?

Portsmouth Road, Sunderland, SR4 9BA 

How will I get there? 

Walk, car, or bus  

Can I take a bike? Where can I put it? 

You can bring your bike or scooter to the Academy but once you reach the gates you must walk your bike or scooter to the bike sheds, where you can lock it until the end of the day.  

How much is the bus fare? Which number bus would I take? 

Access the local bus company website for this information or ask friends who live near you.  

How long will it take to get there? 

Why not try the route while you are not at school?  Ask friends and family who have attended the Academy.  

What time will I have to get up? 

Make sure you set an alarm and give yourself enough time to get ready and walk/drive to get to the academy for 8:30.  


School uniform and equipment...

What do people wear to School? 

All students wear a school uniform. Year 7 are provided with a tie and blazer by the Academy. You will need black shirt or trousers, white shirt and black school shoes. Trainers are not permitted.  

Where can I buy a school uniform? 

*This information is in the Parent Information guide which was sent in the post.  

Do I need my own pens and pencils? 

All year 7 students are provided with a Study Pack. This includes all of the stationary you require for your lessons. This will be provided on the first day.  

What kind of bag will I take my School equipment in? 

You will need a bag which is big enough to contain an A4 folder. Some days you will need your PE kit too.  

Is there any other equipment that I need? 

No, if you loose any of your Study Pack, you can buy replacement pens and pencils in the library shop.  


Timetable and learning opportunities...

How does the timetable work? 

You will be given a timetable on your first day at the Academy. This is made up of five lessons across the day:

Tutor Time  

Period 1

Period 2 


Period 3 

Period 4 - part 1


Period 4 - part 2

Period 5

Period 6 – Intervention and Enrichment  

What subjects will I be able to study? 

English Language and Literature, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Art / DT, Cookery, Spanish, PE, Music and Drama.

What departments does the School have (e.g. sports equipment, science laboratories)? 

English (+ Spanish), Maths, Science, Humanities (Geography/History), Open (Art, DT, Music, Drama, Hospitality, Travel and Tourism, ICT), PE. 

What happens if I find the work hard? 

Your teachers and support staff will support you. Just ask for help!  

Is there support in lessons? 

Within the Secondary phase we have a HLTA per department, plus 3 learning support staff. These staff are allocated across the departments and year groups to meet learning needs.  

Does it offer anything after school? 

Academy 360 has an enrichment calendar which will be published at the beginning of the new school year.  Homework club is open every evening in the library.  

What other opportunities are offered? 

Social Groups, Intervention, Martyn Gray Football, Sports Clubs, Literacy Leaders, Music Department – Choir, School Band, Live Lounge, Opportunities to learn an instrument, Singing lessons, Mentoring Programme, Residential Visit, Trip to Poland – Y10.

School Uniform

All students are required to wear a full school uniform.


Uniform secondary

  • Blue school blazer (Year 11 black)
  • Year group tie (see below)
  • White school shirt
  • Black school trousers
  • Black school shoes
PE Kit
  • Blue Avec Sport t-shirt with initials
  • Black tracksuit bottoms
  • Blue shorts
  • Trainers – no fashion shoes
  • A bag
  • School planner
  • Pen, pencil and ruler


Blazer & Tie Supplier

Michael Sehgal & Sons, 28-40 Scotswood Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7JB

Tel: 0191 230 2320



Secondary PE Kit Supplier

Total Sport NE Limited, Hendon Road, Hendon, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, SR1 2JD

Tel: 0191 567 9043



Additional Information

  • Proper school trousers must be worn. Leggings, jeans or tight skinny trousers will not be accepted.
  • Black leather or leather-look school shoes must be worn. No sports shoes or plimsolls will be allowed.
  • No jewellery is permitted other than a watch and stud earrings.
  • False nails are not permitted.
  • False eyelashes must not be worn.
  • Makeup should be minimal and not noticeable.
  • Hair colour should be natural and hairstyles should not be extreme.

If you require any further support please contact the Academy 360 main office on 0191 300 650.