Reach out for Support

Information for Employers

At Academy 360, we aim to provide a wide range of career-focused activities for our pupils throughout their time with us and a key part of that is engaging our students with local and national businesses. We are constantly looking to develop new links with business to help support our careers programme and prepare our students for the world of work; we fully understand the importance and the need for preparing young people for the employment world. We offer opportunities within a range of events for employer engagement including:


  • Employer talks and presentations (including assemblies)
  • Workplace visits and workshops
  • Work Experience placements (in person and/or virtually)
  • Careers Fairs


Are you able to support our careers programme?


If you think you would like to get involved, or find out more information, please contact:


Miss Suzanne Quinn (Careers Leader Secondary)


Mr Tom Clay (Careers Leader Primary)