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Useful Links
To support you with your career exploration we have pulled together a list of useful career websites. These are a great way for you to explore the options and opportunities available and start to plan out your actions and next steps.
General Careers Information:
Over 800 job profiles telling you what a job involves and how to get into it. Help with CVs and interview advice.
Careers site for 11-24-year-old students. Create a personal profile to help identify jobs and training that will suit you. Explore jobs to find out what you could do. Explore different qualifications and training routes.
An online resource that helps you consider your options. This resource has a range of sections dedicated to job sectors, qualifications, identifying and recording skills and an online test.
The site also has pre-16 and post-16 skills quizzes.
Helps you match your subjects with possible careers, has a course matching page to aid you in identifying courses relevant to your career interests.
http://www.prospects.ac.uk/ This website includes skill matching, careers advice and jobs and work experience sections. Choose your likely degree subjects (one at a time) and the website will give you ideas of graduate jobs you could consider and the skills you will develop.
This is a great website for exploring different careers by watching films about what it’s like to work in a wide variety of jobs.
This provides information on the opportunities available after school – for training, employment, sponsored degrees, etc.
Helps you create a CV and find jobs.
Search for and learn about the salaries, hours per week, whether the numbers of jobs are increasing / decreasing and further information on the specific job. Useful tool to compare different jobs.
Useful careers guidance and careers zone focused on different jobs, what to study and how to get there.
A career resource hub targeted at school and college leavers aged 16 to 18. Lots of information about careers, universities and apprenticeship options and associated support and guidance.
Push Talks are unique to any other school talk you've ever heard. They use comedy and storytelling to relate their deep expertise on higher and further education, careers, skills and employability.
Labour Market Information:
Articles written by career professionals with links to resources that will help you identify current and future trends
Post 16 Options
Choices at 16: https://www.careerwave.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Choices-at-16-FINAL.pdf
A levels: https://www.ucas.com/post-16-qualifications/qualifications-you-can-take/levels
T Levels: https://www.tlevels.gov.uk/students
Technical qualifications: https://www.careerwave.co.uk/insights/choosing-a-technical-course/
National Apprenticeships Services Search Engine (Gov): https://www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeshipsearch
Apprenticeships: https://www.careerwave.co.uk/insights/choosing-an-apprenticeship/
www.apprenticeships.gov.uk and https://www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/
Lots of information about apprenticeships including a search tool for apprenticeship vacancies both nationally or locally.
The institute for apprenticeships and technical education provides information for apprentices, available apprenticeship standards and resources.
Explains what apprenticeships are, how they work, and the different types. It also provides resources for prospective apprentices and parents to help you understand everything you need to know to secure and succeed in an apprenticeship.
It's full of information on what apprenticeships you can study, how you apply, who offers apprenticeship schemes, and much, much more. Have a look at the industry sectors to decide and see what’s on offer.
Apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities and matching site.
Many apprenticeship offerings, jobs and training options, along with videos focused on apprenticeship experiences and roles in a variety of companies.
Target apprenticeships provides a guide for school leavers thinking about the apprenticeship route and details each step of the apprenticeship process. There is also a chance to discover employers and apprenticeship opportunities.
Parental Support and Guidance:
Advice, tips and guidance on all aspects from apprenticeships to colleges and higher education, to completing applications and interviews.
A guide to what apprenticeships are, how you can support your young person to apply and what skills and experience will be relevant.
Volunteering and Work Experience:
Explore and apply for volunteering and work experience opportunities in your area.
Lots of useful information on finding a voluntary work placement.
Supporting people aged 11-30 to develop life skills, gain work experience, and in accessing opportunities.
UK Universities:
Provides information that can help you decide if university is the right choice for you, find out more about what it is like, and about different ways to get a higher education qualification.
Guidance associated with all your options from universities, UCAS points, conservatoires and exploring career options and their requirements. Includes an ”Open Days” finder for universities.
This site provides up to date information on student finance, fees & help available. https://www.theuniguide.co.uk/ Includes an A Level explorer, ways to find courses and information about where you can study.
Includes information about where and what to study along with league tables and general advice for university.
What you study at sixth form or college can affect your options at university, use informed choices to help you understand which subjects open up different degrees.
Information about worldwide universities and top tips for student life.
The official website for comparing UK higher education course data from the Office of Students, info and advice on making choices, parent and carer guides and downloadable resources.
One of the most important questions when choosing what to study, where to study it - and even whether to study it - is 'Will I get a job at the end?' Another important question is 'What will I earn?' Grows is here to answer those questions.
A useful website answering all your questions about applying to Uni, clearing, courses, fees, finance, personal statements, university guides, league tables and open days