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Forest and Beach Schools
Forest and Beach School offers a unique educational experience using the outdoor environment as a classroom setting.
Forest School
At Academy 360 Forest School takes place regularly with the same group of learners over an extended period of time, encompassing the seasons.
Within the grounds of Academy 360 we have a small wooded area where Forest School takes place, providing the learners with space and an environment to explore and discover. The programme’s structure is based upon observation and collaborative work between learners and practitioners.
We aim to foster a relationship with nature through regular personal experiences in order to develop long term environmentally sustainable attitudes and practices in both the learners and wider community. We use natural resources for inspiration and ideas to
encourage and intrinsic motivation. The implementation of Forest school aims to develop where appropriate, the physical, social, cognitive, linguistic, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of the learner. Any Forest School experience follows a risk-benefit process managed by both the teacher and learner that is tailored to the developmental stage of the learner.
Levels of self-esteem are increased by careful and appropriate use of praise and recognition of success. This is possible for all children as tasks are small and achievable.
“Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach of us more than we can ever learn from books.”
- John Lubbock
Beach School
At Academy 360, it is our intent that forest school and beach school sessions place significant emphasis on holistic development and, as with the principles and overall benefits of learning, have significant benefits on personal and social wellbeing, as well as providing incredible learning opportunities using minimal resources.
We are lucky to have three main coastlines so close to our school, whereby children are encouraged to explore the natural environment
with its constantly changing appearance, offerings, and potential learning experiences and opportunities. Children are engaged and can see the positive impact that they can make on their environment, they become more motivated, as well as making them more aware of their surroundings.
Beach School is a great way to help children become more aware of citizenship and how their close surroundings are regularly available. The main principles include supporting subject knowledge and curriculum development, risk benefit management, developing engagement on the coast. Beach school is flexible, accommodating the differing ways in which children learn with appropriate pedagogy styles, and are based on observing individuals and following the dynamics of the group.
“Nature breeds curiosity; it helps to grow explorers rather than robots. It reminds us that we are part of something bigger. It grounds us, calms us”
- Ben Palmer-Fry