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Successes and Achievements

We are proud of the successes and fantastic achievements and accolades received by our Academy.

The school has gained national accreditation through the Basic Skills Quality Mark, PE Gold Active, Arts Mark Silver, Geography Award, Wellbeing Award and Inclusion Quality, Learning Outside the Classroom Award, Sunderland Games Mark, History Mark, Parents as Partners Award and Science Quality Mark. The school is currently working to achieve the Mental Health Award and the Anti-Bullying Sunderland Charter Mark. More recently, we were formally awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark Flagship Status, recognising the culture of inclusivity given the high level of deprivation within the community that the school serves, as well as the high proportion of children with needs.

A360 is proud to have achieved the following awards.

Basic Skills Quality Mark

Basic skills quality markThe Basic Skills Quality Mark is an award that celebrates and supports continuous improvement in literacy and numeracy. It is awarded to a school to recognise their provision, practice and performance in literacy and numeracy.

PE Gold Active (School Game Mark)

School GamesThe School Games Mark is a government-led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across the school and in the community. Participating in this process allows A360 to evaluate its PE provision and assists in planning for future progress.

Artsmark Silver

Artsmark Silver AwardThe Artsmark Award is the only creative quality standard for schools and education settings, accredited by Arts Council England. It supports schools to develop and celebrate their commitment to arts and cultural education for all children and young people.

Geography Award - Gold Award

Gold22 25 geoThe Primary Geography Quality Mark is an award for primary schools that wish to achieve recognition for the quality and progress in geography leadership, curriculum development, learning and teaching.


Wellbeing Award

Wellbeing AwardThis award focuses on changing the long-term culture of the whole school. Using an evidence-based framework to drive change, it helps leaders to remain focused on staff and pupil wellbeing, review staff training and revise policies accordingly. Mental health and wellbeing sit at the heart of A360 school life.

IQM Flagship School Award

Iqm flagship school awardOnly around 100 UK schools have achieved IQM Flagship School status. This award recognises those unique schools who have held IQM Centre of Excellence status for at least 3 years; and played a strong leadership role in developing inclusion best practice across a network of schools. These schools are committed to extending their networks further and publishing classroom-based research on an annual basis.

Active Sunderland Schools Award

Oce20874 great active sunderland school charter logo goldThe Great Active Sunderland Schools Charter is an award for primary schools that wish to receive recognition for their commitment and contribution to four key areas including, PE, Sport, Physical Activity and its role in the Community. Academy 360 is proud to have been awarded gold status in 2021-22.

Excellence in Pupil Development Award

AwardAcademy 360 is currently working towards attaining the Excellence in Pupil Development Award. This award offers a structured framework to evaluate and enrich our pastoral curriculum. It supports the Academy in developing student's personal attributes, such as self-confidence, resilience and self-discipline


History Quality Mark

Quality Mark logo silver 23

The Historical Association Quality Mark is an award that recognises the excellence of history provision in a school. The Quality Mark assess and values the history provision of the teachers, their department and the school and what is being offered to young people. The Quality Mark provides a framework for success in which to develop an outstanding
provision of history for a school.


Primary Science Quality Mark

A360 Science quality markThe Primary Science Quality Mark is an award that recognises the excellence of science provision in schools. The quality mark assesses schools’ ability to transform the lives and future trajectory of all children in school by developing their scientific literacy. The Quality mark provides a framework for success to support schools in delivering a science curriculum that equips pupils with a deeper understanding of science and its impact on everyday life.