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Gatsby Benchmark

Gatsby Benchmark

Our careers programme has been structured around the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance which are:

A stable careers programme

This benchmark requires that schools have a well-defined, well-sequenced and stable careers programme that includes activities such as work experience, employer visits and talks from professionals working in various sectors.

Learning from career and labour market information

Every student, their parents or carers, and professional supporting students should have access to high quality, up-to-date information about future career prospects and employment possibilities, which should be used across all Key Stages.

Addressing the needs of each pupil

Careers programmes should be tailored to the needs of pupils. Since students have different career guidance needs at different stages of their education, opportunities for advice and support should be specific to the next steps in their career journey, should address any barriers that students perceive they have, and challenge their misconceptions.

Linking curriculum learning to careers

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers, and this should be included in the provider’s overall careers programme. It's important that students don't feel they are studying a certain subject to simply pass an exam, rather that they are studying it to open up employment opportunities.

Encounters with employers and employees

Schools should provide opportunities for students to meet employers, learn from their experiences and find out what skills they need to succeed in the workplace.

Experiences of workplaces

All students should have direct experiences of the workplace via work visits, work shadowing, and/or work experience to assist them in determining their career options and increasing their networks.

Encounters with further and higher education

Every student should be aware of the full range of educational choices that are open to them at school, college or higher education, and ITPs. By the age of 16 they should participate in meaningful encounters with the full range of provider types.

Personal guidance

By 16, every student should have the opportunity to meet with a career counsellor, who could be internal (from within the school) or external (a member of outside staff), as long as they are appropriately trained. They should be available to meet the needs of the young person. Every student should have a further guidance meeting by the age of 18.

Personalised Careers Education Aligned with the Gatsby Benchmarks for Student Success

To ensure we address all of the benchmarks, Careers Education at Academy 360 is holistic, balanced and personalised. Our aim is to enthuse students and support them to make informed decisions about their future career pathway.

Careers education is delivered in a variety of ways across year groups and is embedded into our activities calendar so that all students have numerous opportunities to experience high quality career information, advice and guidance.