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Academy 360 IT 2



Aims and Purpose of PSHE at Academy 360

To be thriving individuals, family members and members of society the following knowledge and skills need to be developed throughout primary school.


The intent is that all children are immersed in a PSHE education that equips them with the essential knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to: build positive, successful relationships; keep themselves physically and mentally healthy and safe; and to prepare them for participating responsibly in life and work in modern Britain.


The Primary PSHE education is delivered through a thematic approach consistent with the Learning Outcomes and Core Themes provided by the PSHE Association Programme of Study and the requirements of the 2020 Statutory Relationships and Health Education.   It supports social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and fulfils all of the required objectives over the school year with topics and themes taught each term. In the Autumn term - Oral Health and Anti Bullying; in the Spring - Mental Health and Online safety; and in the Summer term Rights and Responsibilities, Safety, Physical Health and Wellbeing, Puberty (Year 5 only) and Transition. This approach, and lesson sequence overviews, allow year groups to work on similar themes at the same time while enabling the children to explore the fundamental principles of PSHE education regularly, recall previous learning and reinforce previously taught skills but the skills and knowledge being imparted and extended year on year and appropriate for the age of the child. Assessment for learning opportunities are built into each lesson and enhanced by baseline and end of topic assessments which enable self-evaluation and reflective learning and allow teachers to evaluate and assess progress.  In addition to the delivery of a planned, scheduled PSHE curriculum, reactive sessions and bespoke objectives are incorporated into the year group curriculums.

Alongside these topics, the KIDSAFE UK programme and the NSPCC PANTs (the Underwear rule) is also delivered. The Laidlaw Trust virtues (Ambitious, Brave, Curious, Determination, Extraordinary, Good and Fast) and the fundamental British Values are promoted and celebrated throughout Primary and across its curriculum.   Pupils have opportunities to have special responsibilities, including Head Person(s) and Prefects (Year 6 only), classroom monitors, Student Council, Mini Police and Wellbeing, Digital and Sports Leaders.  Students are involved in decisions that impact on them, helping them to feel part of the school and wider community and to have some control over their lives. The PSHE curriculum is enhanced through outside agencies and guest speakers including Oral Health Promoter, School Nurse, Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), Fire Brigade, Northumbria Police and the Change 4 Life team.  A record of the learning process is presented in photographs, children’s work, assemblies and through workshops and displays, and evident in the behaviours of children around school and in classrooms.


The impact of the Primary PSHE curriculum is that our children keep physically and mentally safe. They face new challenges positively and set personal aspirations for their future. They are equipped with the knowledge that every living thing has rights and that it is everyone’s responsibility to protect those rights. They have strong and positive views of self and know that pressure to think and/or behave in certain ways can come from a number of different sources and how to manage this. They see each and everybody’s value in society therefore contribute positively to the wellbeing of those around them. They know bullying can take several forms including discrimination and prejudice and that these are unacceptable. They are equipped with the knowledge and vocabulary to know when, where and how they can ask for help.


Position Statement

Our vision is that all of our pupils develop into: independent, resilient, passionate, inventive and confident young people while remaining resourceful, compassionate, polite and informed active participants in society; physically and mentally healthy and safe.     We aim to do this through the teaching of a broad, progressive, skills based PSHE curriculum.

The Primary PSHE education is delivered through a thematic approach consistent with the Learning Outcomes and Core Themes provided by the PSHE Association Programme of Study and the requirements of the 2020 Statutory Relationships and Health Education. It supports social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and fulfils all of the required objectives over the school year with topics and themes taught each term. In the Autumn term - Oral Health and Anti Bullying; in the Spring - Mental Health and Online safety; and in the Summer term Rights and Responsibilities, Safety, Physical Health and Wellbeing, Puberty (Year 5 only) and Transition. This approach, and lesson sequence overviews, allow year groups to work on similar themes at the same time while enabling the children to explore the fundamental principles of PSHE education regularly, recall previous learning and reinforce previously taught skills but the skills and knowledge being imparted and extended year on year and appropriate for the age of the child. Assessment for learning opportunities are built into each lesson and enhanced by baseline and end of topic assessments which enable self-evaluation and reflective learning and allow teachers to evaluate and assess progress. In addition to the delivery of a planned, scheduled PSHE curriculum, reactive sessions and bespoke objectives are incorporated into the year groups’ curriculums.

Alongside these topics, the KIDSAFE UK programme and the NSPCC PANTs (the Underwear rule) is also delivered. The Laidlaw Trust virtues (Ambitious, Brave, Curious, Determination, Extraordinary, Good and Fast) and the fundamental British Values are promoted and celebrated throughout Primary and across its curriculum. Pupils have opportunities to have special responsibilities, including Head Person(s) and Prefects (Year 6 only), classroom monitors, Student Council, Mini Police and Wellbeing, Digital and Sports Leaders.  Students are involved in decisions that impact on them, helping them to feel part of the school and wider community and to have some control over their lives.

The Careers Initiative was introduced in 2019, working towards the 8 Gatsby benchmarks, to raise the aspirations and career prospects of all children and provide them and their families with better knowledge of careers and the routes to them. We achieved and have maintained all 8 benchmarks since Summer 2021.

The PSHE curriculum is enhanced through outside agencies and guest speakers including Oral Health Promoter, School Nurse, Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), Fire Brigade, Northumbria Police and the Change 4 Life team and Healthy Heads. A record of the learning process is presented in photographs, children’s work, assemblies and through workshops and displays, and evident in the language and behaviours of children around school and in classrooms.

Academy 360 is an inclusive school where diversity and differences are valued and celebrated. The Academy has clear and consistent procedures for tackling and minimising bullying and each academic year pupils’ participate in Anti Bullying week. A working party is applying for the Anti Bullying quality mark also.  A buddy system is used on the play yard for KS1 and for all newly enrolled pupils in KS1 and 2. Lessons employ group and partner work. All pupil’s learning is displayed and celebrated around school and within the classroom. A weekly celebration assembly allows for in school achievements and pupils’ out of school diverse talents’ to be celebrated.

The SEND team ensure colleagues understand how the school identifies and meets pupils’ needs, provides advice and support to colleagues as needed and liaises with external SEND professionals as necessary. They work directly with students and parents/caregivers. As fully as possible, ensuring that the views, wishes and feelings of the pupil and their parents/carers are considered and they participate in decisions, are provided with information and support and kept fully informed. Where more severe problems occur, staff liaise with external agencies such as CAMHS & GPs. 

There is an effective pastoral system. Academy staff model positive behaviours and there are excellent pupil and teacher relationships. A non-confrontational approach and use of appropriate language is utilised to correct behaviour. Behaviour management strategies employed promote positive behaviours and successful relationships and help reduce disruptive behaviour.   There is an open-door policy for children to talk about their problems and staff know the designated person, and we have continuous professional development. Staff are clear that promoting good mental health is the responsibility of all members of school staff and what to do if they think they have identified a developing problem. At least one member of staff in the year group knows every pupil well and staff liaise with previous year group staff to identify ‘out of character’ behaviour that may have a root cause that needs addressing. Effective use and monitoring of data and progress meetings so that changes in pupils’ patterns of attainment, attendance or behaviour are noticed and can be acted upon. Recording of significant events for children who staff may have concerns about.    Where appropriate, parents/carers are encouraged to speak to their GP and staff provide supporting letters. Pupils who staff may have concerns about, are showing early signs of problems and/or are exposed to risk factors are offered school services provided by Primary Welfare Team Ruth Steckles and Holly Johnson and our Healthy Heads Team. The Academy is also part of Operation Encompass. Details of domestic incidents are reported to the Key Adult at the school prior to the start of the next school day, enabling support to be given to the affected child. Each classroom has an area within it, or within its vicinity, should pupils require a quiet and calming space to de-escalate or self-regulate. 

Primary Teaching Assistants began FRIENDS training in January 2024 and Key Stage 2 Wellbeing Leads are due to undertake peer mentoring training, delivered by the Healthy Heads Team in order to support their peers. Healthy Heads and Academy 360 Newsletters are shared with Parents termly. Primary achieved The National Wellbeing Award For Schools in 2019 and we hope to achieve The Anti Bullying Charter Mark and The Mental Health Charter Mark in the Autumn term 2024/2025. 

Overall, in the Primary phase of Academy 360, PSHE is taught discretely but its principles permeate other areas, subjects and events to ensure our pupils are immersed in a PSHE education that gives them the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.

Please see the link below to view the Primary PSHE Subject Overview 2024-2025

Please see the link below to view the Primary Kidsafe Teaching Overview


Please click the link below to view the PSHE Curriculum Overview.
