Reach out for Support
A360 33 min




The intent is that all children become inquisitive about the world around them. Our children will raise questions and explore their thinking. We will offer opportunities for all children to observe, to predict, to investigate and test, to measure and record results and to formulate their own conclusions.


The implementation is that science is to be taught in blocks where appropriate, for example, a unit of work on Electricity in Year 4. Children are also exposed to a continuous science provision whereby relevant non-fiction books are available in classes and around school. Where possible, links will be made in English to relevant fiction texts e.g., Cosmic in Y5 during a topic on Earth and Space.  Appropriate vocabulary and key questions will be displayed in classrooms. To ensure that science is a school-wide subject that goes beyond classroom work and is linked to real life, the school will participate in science week. Careers links will be made and discussed with children.  Skills in maths will be used in context to measure and record data during scientific investigation. Children will communicate their work in science in a variety of ways, discussion and presentation, photograph and video, tables, graphs and charts, written reports and extended pieces of writing linked to their work in English. From September 2024, we will be upgrading to the latest version of the Collins Snap Science scheme. The new scheme is underpinned by extensive research into embedding science in Primary Schools and supported by a recent review of primary science by OFSTED.


The impact is that the application of scientific skills and knowledge is apparent in books, in classrooms, around school and in talking to our children. All children will consider themselves to be ‘scientists’ and become confident using scientific vocabulary to discuss their work. Through sentence stemming, the children will improve their confidence to ask scientific questions. Children will have an understanding of the importance and impact of science on the world we live in. They will be aware of the opportunities for future careers in science.

Impact will be measured by class teachers during termly curriculum review, moderation of books and discussion. Teachers will use children’s books, as well as their knowledge of how children respond in lessons to assess their learning of the year group objectives in science.


Inclusion lies at the centre of the Academy 360 vision. Teachers plan and adapt lessons and activities to ensure that all children can access them and be successful. This is achieved through a combination of teacher support, paired and team work and scaffolded activities. Our differentiation is meaningful and with this in mind, some activities will be differentiated by outcome only. Snap Science offers ‘challenges’ across 3 levels and teachers may decide to use these differentiated tasks with different groups of pupils according to their need.


Please click the link below to view the curriculum overview.


Please see the link below for an overview on the Secondary curriculum for Science.
