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A360 8 min

Breakfast Club

We understand the importance of a healthy breakfast and welcome our students at 8am with several choices of hot and cold breakfast. These include items such as toast, bagels, cereals, porridge, overnight oats, fresh fruit, and yoghurts.

What Students Say…

We recently conducted a survey for pupils and teachers which resulted in some fantastic comments including:

  • “It gives me energy to help me through the school day.”
  • “Good because I can talk to my friends at the same time.”
  • “Happy because you get free breakfast.”

What Teachers Say…

Teachers strongly agree that our breakfast provision leads to an improvement in punctuality, concentration, readiness to learn and attendance, with fewer disruptions and better morning energy levels.

“Children with social issues who attend every morning are showing improvements in friendship issues and social behaviour. Older students using the provision at the beginning of the day appear happy and in a good train of mind to start the day.” Welfare Lead

“Some of our students do not have breakfast at home therefore breakfast at school is essential. The food supplied is great quality and the students love it.” HLTA