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A360 28 min

Virtual Open Evening

Welcome to our Academy 360 virtual tour. 


Ethos and Values

Academy 360 provides an inspiring learning experience from EYFS to Key Stage 4, driven by high expectations. We firmly believe that all young people can develop into good citizens and recognise that everyone has an important part to play in raising standards.

We expect all members of our school to behave with dignity, courtesy and respect. We take pride in ensuring that our young people grow as independent and resilient citizens who are well-equipped for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st-century world of work.


3rd Most Improved School in the UK 

Tes 2019

Staff create an oasis of learning, allowing students to enjoy childhood, grow in confidence and achieve potential. 
Inclusion Quality Mark Award 2019

We are all united in our determination to deliver the best possible opportunities for our students to learn and grow and to achieve their full potential in life.MR D AMOS - Principal


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0191 300 6506


Student Behaviour

At Academy 360 our behaviour for learning approach is set out to ensure that pupils, at all stages, are ready for the next steps in their education, training or work and are equipped with the necessary skills and attitudes to become valued members of society. We encourage pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour and teach them how to be reflective and independent. Staff will tackle behaviour incidents using de-escalation strategies and will have a restorative approach when issuing sanctions. Rather than focusing on negative behaviours, we put value on positive behaviours in order to maximise learning.

Our key priority is to raise the achievement of all members of the school community, so we can guarantee that all students make progress, at least in line with expectation. This is achieved by maintaining very high expectations of ourselves and our students. These are our expectations:

1. Arrive on time to all lessons

2. Come prepared to lessons with the correct equipment (pen, pencil, ruler and planner) and be ready to learn

3. Follow staff instructions at all times

4. Participate fully in all lessons

5. Be respectful of all other members of the school and allow them to make good progress

6. Complete tasks to the best of your ability in lessons

7. Meet deadlines for all homework and revision tasks

8. Know your targets and how to make further progress

9. Understand how to learn and improve and respond to all teacher feedback

Any student who is not meeting the expectations of the teacher will be given a chance to correct their behaviour and any subsequent issues will be recorded using our consequence system. Students who reach a C4 in a lesson will be removed to complete their work in another area of the school.

Expected behaviour from all students:

1. Registration/Tutor time - Students should sit at their desks and the register must be taken. Equipment and uniform will be checked and classroom expectations should apply.

2. Assembly - Form tutors will escort students to assembly. Students should arrive and leave in complete silence.

3. In corridors - Staff will supervise corridors during lesson change time. Students should walk quietly in an orderly manner. Doors should be held open for others and courtesy should be shown at all times.

4. Leaving a classroom - Students should leave in an orderly manner as directed by the member of staff, e.g. one row at a time. Members of Staff should precede the students to the door.

5. Break time - Y11 are allowed in the hall, all other year groups will remain on the yard unless it is a wet break. Behaviour on the yard should be orderly with no running around or physical contact with other students.

6. Care of the school - Students must not mark the walls or desks. They should keep off the grass and flower beds and should not drop litter. They should help the cleaning staff by avoiding unnecessary mess.

7. Food around school - Food purchased from dining halls at break time or lunch time, can only be consumed in those areas. Food purchased from the school tuck shop can be consumed on the yard, but litter must be put in the bins provided. Eating in corridor and classrooms is not permitted and will be confiscated if seen in these areas. Only water permitted outside of the dinner hall.

8. Equipment - Students should bring a minimum of a pen, pencil, ruler and planner to each lesson.

9. Good manners - Students are expected to behave in a reasonable, considerate and courteous manner at all times. They should always talk to each other and to staff in a polite manner.

10. Respect for each other - Students are expected to show consideration and respect towards each other at all times.

11. School Uniform - This must be worn smartly at all times. Blazers and ties must be worn and shirts need to be tucked in. Plain black shoes are the only footwear permitted (trainers, plimsolls, vans etc are not allowed). If for any reason a problem arises then parents must contact the school. Jewellery (apart from a watch and ear studs) must not be worn in school and makeup and haircuts and colours should not be excessive or extreme. We do not allow false nails.

Your child will be supported by staff to make the right decisions. We offer mentoring and coaching programmes in school as well as working very closely with external agencies. The welfare team work tirelessly to support students in all aspects of school life.

Rules and Regulations

Healthy Lifestyles

The 360 Academy is keen to promote healthy lifestyles. Students should bring fruit snacks instead of crisps or chocolate. Only water bottles can be brought to school and filled up during the school day.

Food and Drink

Consuming food and drink is only allowed in the dinner hall at break and lunchtime. Students are permitted to drink water outside the buildings. All waste food must be cleared from the dining tables and deposited into the bins. With permission from the teacher you may have a drink of water in lessons.


In the event of fire you must remain calm and carry out the procedure that you have practised during the drills. If the fire alarm goes off, leave your bags, coats and books and follow the route that your teacher tells you in silence. Once you are on the field, line up in register order with your form group at the correct assembly point and wait for your form teacher to carry out the register. It is most important that you stand in silence and sensibly until you are dismissed. NEVER ignore the fire alarm.


Homework is an important aspect of school life and should always be completed on time. Use this planner to record your homework and meet deadlines set by your teachers.

Lost Property

If you find lost property, please hand it in to the Main Office. If you lose something, tell your teacher or form teacher. Please ensure that your property is marked with your name.


You should not leave money or valuables unattended at any time. If you have valuable items in school, ask your form tutor to look after them at the start of the day. Always keep your books and equipment in your bag.

Please note: bags must be of a suitable size to carry exercise books/A4 folders and be appropriate for school use. Students may use lockers to store personal possessions. These are operated using a one pound coin. Lockers must be emptied at the end of each day to avoid a negative comment. Items that are not collected from Student Services will be donated to charity. Do not bring items such as MP3 players, hand-held computers, laser pens etc. in to school.

Mobile phones are brought to school at your own risk and must be switched off and in your bag during the Academy day. If any student has a mobile out on site, or it goes off, it will be confiscated and sent to the main reception. This rule will apply regardless whether it is the property of a family member or friend. 

School Premesis

No student must leave the premises at any time without permission. If a student needs to leave the premises for any reason during normal academy hours, they must be picked up by a responsible adult. The academy will not allow a student to leave the site unaccompanied.

Regular school attendance:

• Poor attendance can limit your child’s future opportunities and set up bad habits for work and life.

• Good attendance helps reduce the risk of your child becoming a victim of crime and being drawn into antisocial behaviour.

• Whether your child is absent for a morning/afternoon or whole day, or you have trouble getting them into school, talk to your Attendance Officer first.

How can you help your child?

This could all be done the night before.

• Ensure your child is fully prepared for their school day. Make sure that their pencil case has all the correct equipment in it (pencil, pen, ruler, green pen). Have they completed their homework, is their uniform correct and they have lunch/money? 

• Ensure your child arrives on time every day and show them that you think school is very important.

• Praise your child and take an interest in what they do at school. Check their planner daily and attend any meetings you are invited to.

• Do not keep your child at home if there are any problems e.g. falling out with friends. The best way to support your child is to ask for a meeting in school to address the problems. The more time your child has off school the harder it will be for them to catch up.

Parents and Carers as Partners in Learning

Academy 360 is committed to communicating effectively

• Ensure your child is fully prepared for their school day. Make sure that their pencil case has all the correct equipment in it (pencil, pen, ruler, green pen). Have they completed their homework, is their uniform correct and they have lunch/money? with parents and carers, giving you the information and skills required to become a ‘partner in learning’ with your child and the Academy. All research shows that students’ achievement is maximised when teachers, students, parents and carers work in partnership. 

Staying Safe Online

Rules for Students

The computer system is owned by the Academy. This responsible use statement helps to protect you, the student and the Academy by clearly stating what use of the computer resources are acceptable and what is not.

• Irresponsible use may result in the loss of Internet access.

• Network access must be made via the user’s authorised account and password, which must NOT be given to another person.

• Academy computer and Internet use must be appropriate to the student’s education.

• Students must not copy files to the Academy network that are not relevant to their work and are copyright protected (e.g. music, f ilms, and games).

• Students have a fixed amount of storage space available in their user area (My Documents folder). It is a student’s responsibility to ensure that unnecessary files are removed when no longer required.

• E-mail should be written carefully and politely, particularly as messages may be forwarded or printed and be seen by unexpected readers.

• Users are responsible for e-mail they send and for contacts made.

• Anonymous messages and chain letters are not permitted.

• The use of chat rooms is not permitted.

• The Academy ICT equipment may not be used for private purposes, unless the Headteacher has given permission for that use.

• The Academy ICT equipment must not be used for the creation or distribution of images, messages or other materials which are obscene, harassing or racist.

• The Academy ICT equipment must not be used for any activity that may be considered unethical, immoral, and illegal or any activity that could bring the name of the academy into disrepute.

• The user should only print material that is essential to their education, and should always check the length of the article before printing.

• ICT system security must be respected; it is a criminal offence to use a computer for a purpose not permitted by the system owner.

• ICT equipment must not be damaged or vandalised. Parents and Carers accept that any damage must be paid for and the relevant sanctions imposed.

The Academy may exercise its right to monitor the use of computer equipment, including access to websites, the interception of emails and the deletion of inappropriate material.

Academy Website and Virtual Learning Environment

Our website will provide you with access to up to date information to help you support your son/daughter in learning at home.

Photo Permission

Academy 360 would like your permission to use any images taken of your child in various publications and promotional materials. Examples of where we might want to use these include our website and Virtual Learning Environment, academy magazines, information leaflets, CD ROM/electronic based documents, videos and press releases. A photo consent form will be sent out in your child’s first week of term.

Attendance, Holidays and Punctuality

The importance of good attendance

Good attendance is vital to the wellbeing of all young people.  Students who attend regularly, on time and ready to learn, achieve much more than students with poor attendance.  They have many more opportunities open to them, are more socially confident, develop better and lasting friendships and have better life chances.  Good attendance really does matter.


Parents and carers are responsible for ensuring their child attends school on time every day, properly dressed, equipped and in a fit condition to learn.  In addition we also request that all parent/carers: • Inform the Academy on 0191 3006506 by 8.30am on the day of any absence; Liaise with school if your child’s absence is likely to be prolonged to allow for suitable work to be set.  • Avoid making medical or dental appointments during the school day.  If this is unavoidable you need to ensure your child attends school before and/or after any such appointment. Please provide medical evidence of these appointments. • Seek help and support early when problems arise so they can be dealt with quickly.


Academy 360 will not authorise holidays during term time; the government has made this clear.  Taking time out of school has a measurable impact upon a student’s learning and their level of achievement.  With the competition for gaining employment or accessing further education increasing, students need the best chance possible to achieve good examination results and develop good work habits. Holiday forms are available from reception and you must inform school in writing if you are thinking about going on holiday. If you do choose to take your child on holiday during term time you are at risk of prosecution.

How good is your child’s attendance?

Your child’s attendance will be monitored during their time at the Academy. We celebrate good attendance regularly with rewards and incentives to promote good attendance. When attendance is a cause for concern parents will be notified and may be invited into school to meet with walfare staff and discuss the problems. A parent contract may be offered and support may be sought from other agencies. ). If absence persists without a legitimate reason, the Attendance Officer responsible for monitoring and prosecution will be assigned to monitor your child’s attendance.  If there are a significant number of unauthorised absences during the monitoring period the case will be referred to an attendance panel where parents can either be given a final warning or referred for prosecution. In serious cases of poor attendance parents can be liable to prosecution.

When a child’s attendance falls to below 90% a child would is classed as a persistent absentee (PA), a referral will be made to the Local Authority.


School starts at 8.35 – students should arrive before 8.30am

If students are late, they should:

• Between 8:35 – 9:15am - Sign in via the late entrance and go to registration/lesson

• After 9:15am – Sign in at the main entrance and go straight to lesson All students will be given a 30 minute detention after school on the day they are late. If a student is late twice in one week they will be given a 1 hour detention after school on the day of the second late and placed onto punctuality report.

5 minutes late every day = 3 days of school lost a year

10 minutes late every day = 6.5 days of school lost a year

15 minutes late every day = 10 days of school lost a year

20 minutes late every day = 13 days of school lost a year

30 minutes late every day = 19 days of school lost a year

Student Testimonies

Zoe Byrne:

At Academy 360, the teachers push us to learn and give us the drive and determination to always want to make progress and improve. My levels and grades have improved since my time in primary and this is all down to the help and encouragement I have received from the teachers of Academy 360. 

Ellie Palfreyman:

At Academy 360 the staff work so hard to help me achieve the grades and levels I am capable of. I now know how hard I need to work in school to make sure I fulfil my potential. The work at the academy is challenging, which is good because it makes me work harder than I have before. There is also a range of extra-curricular activities such as, gaming club, netball and cooking club. I love Academy 360! 

Katie Solomon:

Academy 360 is a place that offers so much to its students. All of us feel really supported and looked after. The staff challenge us to reach our targets, but they also make sure we are given the help we need to helps us to achieve them. Students who have achieved and behaved well have attended trips to Gravity Force, the cinema and Flamingo Land as part of the rewards system, which helps keep us motivated to do well.

Demi Hair:

I really enjoy Academy 360 because you can work with your friends in certain lessons, also you get to go on trips when you have good attendance, punctuality and excellent attitude to learning. Academy 360 is a school that gives you the guidance and support to achieve the grades you need for the best opportunities in life. The staff help us achieve our goals and they educate us new things every lesson.

Luci Wild:

I love coming to school at Academy 360, as the staff are very encouraging in helping us meet the high expectations. The rules at Academy 360 are very clear to follow and this helps keep everyone safe and makes sure it is a nice school to attend. The faculties at the Academy, such as the computer rooms and the library are very modern and beneficial, which helps us with our learning. 

Alisha & Korina:

We enjoy attending Academy 360, as we feel very safe and supported by the teachers. The pastoral staff are there to support every single pupil in this school, which helps us achieve the grades that we need to have success in life. The work that teachers produce is challenging as they are trying to help us achieve our goals, but the staff are very hard working and friendly with it. 

Brooke Elliott:

I enjoy coming to the Academy 360 as the teachers try and make the lessons interesting as possible, to keep us interested and motivated. If my grades are below my target, the teacher puts on a intervention group what will help me make progress and to get higher grades. The students and the staff are very friendly and everyone gets on well which makes it a nice place to learn. 

Ellie Johnston:

Academy 360 is a school that is always pushing me to achieve as much as I can. The staff at this school want what is best for you in the future, so the work really hard to help you realise your potential. The work at school is very challenging but I know I need this to achieve and go on to university. I would recommend people to come to this school because of the opportunities you get here. 

Robyn Pattinson:

At Academy 360 I have achieved lots and made many new friends. The teachers here have made me feel very welcome and supported me throughout my learning. This year I have really enjoyed playing sports for my school and I have worked hard in everything that I have done. 

Amelia Stubbs:

At Academy 360 I have already achieved lots. The teachers here make me feel welcome and support me throughout my learning. Last year, I done really really well in science and was a winner of an amazon kindle! I have made many new friends along the way and I can’t wait to carry on my future here. 

Jessica Ould:

Academy 360 is a brilliant school. The staff here are very friendly and are always there to help you along your journey. Lessons here are very productive, enjoyable and interesting which makes each day a good experience.  All of my lessons are challenging and push me to my limits and the extra-curricular activities make it an amazing school to attend.

Sophie White:

I enjoy this school because the lessons are really fun and interesting. You have to work hard in lessons, but we don’t see it as difficult, we see it as challenging and that’s what we need to be able to achieve here. The teachers have really high expectations but at the same time they are very supportive and friendly.

Ben Sawyers:

The staff here at Academy 360 make me feel safe and welcome. Everyone here cares and looks out for each other. There is a wide variety of clubs such as, football, basketball and netball. I learn different things here every day and that’s what makes school interesting and exciting. 

Student Success Stories

We have students heading to a range of destinations including the prestigious Oxford University as well as Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Edinburgh, York and more to study a wonderful variety of life-changing subjects. 

And it's not just about University, we have students going to train to be a commercial pilot and to study music at a conservatoite.


Sophie Mackel:

Having achieved an A grade in both Sociology and Media Studies along with a B grade in English Language, Sophie is now studying Criminology at Durham University.

Miya Fowler:

Having achieved an A* grade in both Sociology and English Literature along with a B grade in History, Miya is now studying Sociology at Durham University.

School Uniform

All students are required to wear a full school uniform.


Uniform secondary

  • Blue school blazer (Year 11 black)
  • Year group tie (see below)
  • White school shirt
  • Black school trousers
  • Black school shoes
PE Kit
  • Blue Avec Sport t-shirt with initials
  • Black tracksuit bottoms
  • Blue shorts
  • Trainers – no fashion shoes
  • A bag
  • School planner
  • Pen, pencil and ruler


Blazer & Tie Supplier

Michael Sehgal & Sons, 28-40 Scotswood Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7JB

Tel: 0191 230 2320



Secondary PE Kit Supplier

Total Sport NE Limited, Hendon Road, Hendon, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, SR1 2JD

Tel: 0191 567 9043



Additional Information

  • Proper school trousers must be worn. Leggings, jeans or tight skinny trousers will not be accepted.
  • Black leather or leather-look school shoes must be worn. No sports shoes or plimsolls will be allowed.
  • No jewellery is permitted other than a watch and stud earrings.
  • False nails are not permitted.
  • False eyelashes must not be worn.
  • Makeup should be minimal and not noticeable.
  • Hair colour should be natural and hairstyles should not be extreme.

If you require any further support please contact the Academy 360 main office on 0191 300 650.